The Annual Dinner of the Durham City Freemen was held in the Town Hall on Saturday 6 October 2018, where 63 Freemen, friends and guests enjoyed an evening in the magnificent setting of the Main Hall. The Mayor and Mayoress of Durham, Councillor John Lethridge and Sandra Lethridge were in attendance, together with Jim Evans (President of the Freemen of England and Wales) and his wife Pat.
Following the meal and a further word of welcome by the Mayor, there was a presentation of cheques to the Mayors Charity Appeal ‘The Royal British Legion and to the Durham City Remembrance Parade.
A toast to the health of the guests was proposed by Patrick Conway, the recently appointed Chairman of the Trustees
Our guest speaker on this occasion was George Patterson who gave an extremely interesting and humorous talk on his early years as a craft apprentice printer in Glasgow and his route through Further and Higher Education to become Master of Van Mildred College at Durham University. Following his talk,he proposed a toast to the Durham City Freemen
The Dinner also supported by a member of the Clothworkers Guild of London and the York Guild as well as Durham City Freemen, their guests and friends from within the city and beyond.
Next years dinner is planned for Saturday 19 October 2019