Durham City Freemen were invited by the DLI to celebrate the Centenary of a Special Durham Lady, Helena Rosa Duncombe Shafto, OBE 1854 – 1938. On 23rdJune 1919
Mrs Shafto was made the first honorary Freewoman of Durham. This recognition by the City of Durham was in appreciation of her devoted labours on behalf of the Durham Light Infantry prisoners of war.
Children from St Margaret’s Primary School joined the celebrations in the Town Hall on 21stJune 2019 with an educational workshop with the DLI Education Officer and representatives of the DLI.
Presentations by the pupils were made to Mrs Sue Snowdon, The Lord Lieutenant of Durham, represents from the DLI and Durham City Freemen, Eric Bulmer, Chairman of the Wardens and Kathleen Vasey, Warden of the Drapers Company.