Haydon Watson
(Durham City Freeman)
17th February 1937 - 18th April 2017
Haydon was admitted to the Plumbers’ Company on 8 May 2006 and became a staunch supporter of the Durham City Freemen, regularly attending Guild Days, Members meetings and the Annual Dinner.
His engaging personality was evident at these events and he formed many lasting friendships among the members.
His early life was spent in Framwellgate Moor where he attended the local school until he was 11 years old, before transferring to Whinney Hill Secondary Modern School in Durham City to complete his formal education.
During these formative years living in ‘The Moor’, Haydon was a member of St Aidan’s Church Lads Brigade and also part of the band where he played the Bugle.
Haydon served his time as a plumbing apprentice at Whitfields; a plumbing and heating company in Claypath, Durham City, where he met his wife June.
He worked for a number of plumbing companies in the region but spent a large part of his plumbing and heating career at Bilcloughs of North Shields, where he rose to the rank of supervisor.
Haydon was a dedicated worker, so much so that he continued working long after retirement age.