Guild Days - 2021

Due to Covid 19 restrictions first and second calls will be served via the Zoom platform.  Should any member have an objection to a candidate being admitted, please contact your Warden direct, stating the reasons for your objection. All third calls (admissions) are deferred until the ceremony can be held in the Guild Hall as soon as Covid restrictions permit.  The Wardens anticipate that the first face to face Guild Day will be Candlemas Guild Day, Monday 7th February 2022 but only if it is safe to do so.

Martinmas Guild Day - 15th November 2021 - via Zoom 

First Calls

Jasper Niccolo Lupo Smith (Drapers) to be admitted via Patrimony

Second Calls

Ivan Barrie Arckless (Plumbers) to be admitted via Servitude.
Charles Reading Robinson (Plumbers) to be admitted via Servitude.

Third Calls
Deferred until further notice.

Amy Elizabeth Faulkner (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Lewis Daniel Brolls (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Anna Claire Holden (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr David Balls (Butchers Company) to be admitted via Servitude. 
Mr Robert William Ribchester (Cordwainers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Jarvis Clive Calvert Smith (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony. 
Ms Joanne Booth (Plumbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Note: Mr Jarvis Clive Calvert Smith will be sworn in at the May Day Guild Day - 9th May 2022

Lammas Guild Day - 9th August 2021- via Zoom

First Calls

Ivan Barrie Arckless (Plumbers) to be admitted via Servitude.
Charles Reading Robinson (Plumbers) to be admitted via Servitude.

Second Calls

Mr David Balls (Butchers Company) be admitted via Servitude.
Anna Claire Holden (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Lewis Daniel Brolls (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Amy Elizabeth Faulkner (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Third Calls
Deferred until further notice.

Ms Joanne Marie Booth (Plumbers') to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mrs Sheila Cornmell (Plumbers') to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr John Henry Ferguson (Plumbers') to be admitted via Servitude.
Mr Peter Christopher Granlund (Masons') to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Robert William Ribchester (Cordwainers') to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Jervis Clive Calvert Smith (Drapers') to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Bryan Proud (Butchers') to be admitted via Customary Freedom

May Guild Day - 10th May 2021

First Calls

Anna Holden (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr David Balls (Butchers Company) be admitted via Servitude.
Amy Elizabeth Faulkner (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Lewis Daniel Brolls (Barbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Second Calls

Mr Robert William Ribchester (Cordwainers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Jarvis Clive Calvert Smith (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

> Third Calls

Deferred until further notice.

Ms Joanne Booth (Plumbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mrs Sheila Cornmell (Plumbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Candlemas Guild Day 1st February 2021

First Calls

Mr Robert William Ribchester (Cordwainers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mr Jarvis Clive Calvert Smith (Drapers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Second Calls

Ms Joanne Booth (Plumbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.
Mrs Sheila Cornmell (Plumbers Company) to be admitted via Patrimony.

Third Calls

Deferred until further notice.